【同义词辨析】 2018-08-30 轻快supple-lissome
supple: stresses flexibility of muscles and joints and perfect coordination, ease, and rapidity in movement: the light ~ spring of a cat.
limber: implies flexibility and ease and quickness in moving but does not stress excellence of coordination or grace: her long ~ fingers moved over the keyboard. (grace优美优雅: simple elegance or refinement of movement动作简单精致,如the gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如) grace还表示礼貌善意恩典,请注意grace和elegance互释,都表示优雅,优雅的意思是简单精致being simple and refined。
lithe: suggests a slender supple body and nimble graceful movement: the ~ form of a tiger. (nimble动作轻快light and swift,如a nimble tennis player动作轻快的网球运动员)
lithesome: may suggest a strength and vigor that make for sure graceful movement: drew back the bow with a single ~ effort.
lissome: implies light easy supple grace in bearing or movement: ~ as a bird in flight. (bearing姿态举止: usually implies characteristic posture常表示姿态姿势,如a woman of regal bearing举止高贵的妇女,regal皇家的)
supple灵活优美: 表示身体灵活(肌肉关节),动作优美(协调轻松迅速),limber灵活轻快: 也表示动作灵活轻快,但不表示协调优美,lithe也是灵活优美: supple加苗条(slender),lithesome也是灵活优美: 和lithe同义,暗示有活力动作沉稳(sure),lissome轻松优美: 表示姿态动作轻松优美。
记忆方法: 1)首字母SLLLL的4个L想成light轻, S想成speedy快<==轻快.
2)轻快的意思是动作轻松自如mean showing freedom and ease in bodily movement.